Tuesday, October 26, 2004
More debate comments...
On the issues:
So, I seem to remember the fun stuff best. I remember that Keyes continues the Iraq meme that the war in Iraq is connected to terrorism. (well, is now...wasn't originally). I should have submitted this question to Eric Zorn's list of questions, but I'm curious if Keyes thinks that the Iraq war met the requirements of a just war under the traditionally developed Catholic doctrine of just war theory. I'm sure he does, but obviously I disagree and I think that attempts to justify it as such were remarkably strained.
What I remember best about the Isarel/Palestine discussion is the person saying "amen" next to me.
On free trade. I cracked up when Keyes said that he didn't want to start a "tariff war." Well, of course, he doesn't, but it seems an inevitable result of using tariffs.
The debate over the role of government may have been the most interesting and most insightful. Obama does a great job of presenting a defense of role of government. Coming from a conservative/libertarian background, it is important to have Democrats who articulate the role and purpose of government well. I was very skeptical of "liberals" 18 months ago, but Obama's picture of what government can and should do won me over.
A comical moment was when the candidates were to to give "yes/no" answers. Somehow Obama heard the question wrong or was thrown off by the structure. Obama was asked about drilling in ANWAR? He answered "yes." Fortunately, the audience and the moderator were so surprised that Obama got the chance to correct his answer and provided a little laughter along on the way.
So, there's this line in America, the Book that summarizes Bush and Kerry positions on various issues. On gay marriage it says Bush- "Agin'"; Kerry: "For (really); Against (publicly)." Shall we speculate as to which category Obama would fit into? He definitely argues far more passionately for rights, than he does against gay marriage. By the way, on the issue, good use of Bush's latest flip-flop by Obama.
And then the best part might have been Obama's calling out of Keyes on the "inevitable result of incest" in gay adoption. Keyes decided to use his favorite line when trapped by an argument, "well, I'm smarter and better trained than you, so I know best." Seriously, I can't do it justice. If you didn't watch it live, be sure to wait around for Keyes to tell Obama that Obama knows nothing about logic and reason. Keyes lecturing someone on logic and reason was just too comical.