Sunday, September 12, 2004

A change in tone

The emails to the Keyes' volunteers have definitely changed in tone. In the past they have arrived from Jeremy Rose, the volunteer coordinator. They are now coming from Bill Pascoe and what was once a positive tone (even if Keyes was not) has disappeared.
Is this the kind of man you want representing you in the United States Senate? A man who tries to be all things to all people … and in the process, reveals himself to be nothing to anyone? Not for me. If you agree with me that we can kill two birds with one stone – elect Alan Keyes while simultaneously preventing the election of radical liberal extremist Barack Obama – then we need your help. Today.
And this apparently their secret plan to win the election:
We must register 300,000 new Alan Keyes voters before the registration deadline on October 5. You read that right: it is our goal to register 300,000 new Alan Keyes voters in Illinois in 25 days – a staggering 12,000 per day.
Which raises the question, are there even 300,000 Alan Keyes voters in Illinois? Much less 300,000 new ones?