Monday, August 16, 2004

God is Not a Republican--Or Democrat

This link arrived today from Sojourners. I wonder what size ad (entitled "God is Not a Republican or Democrat) they are aiming for? I've linked to them before, but here's the principles that they set forth in this ad:
  • We are not single-issue voters.
  • We believe that poverty - caring for the poor and vulnerable - is a religious issue.
  • We believe that the environment - caring for God's earth - is a religious issue.
  • We believe that war - and our call to be peacemakers - is a religious issue.
  • We believe that truth-telling is a religious issue.
  • We believe that human rights - respecting the image of God in every person - is a religious issue. We believe that our response to terrorism is a religious issue.
  • We believe that a consistent ethic of human life is a religious issue.

As is expected of evangelicals, they post Bible verses that support each principle.