Q: You spoke Sunday about an uphill battle against Obama. Do you think you can beat him?
A: You know what I feel like when people talk about this whole hype about the convention speech and all this? Do you remember the "Wizard of Oz?" There was that scene in the "Wizard of Oz" that the Wizard of Oz was this big golden face and he was so impressive and so forth and so on. And then when Dorothy came to find out what was really going on, there was just this little guy who was pretending to be big.
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Q: Some people worry how little you know about Illinois. Can you name the last six governors?
A: No. I've made no bones about the fact that ---
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Q: Where will you live in Illinois?
A: We're kind of looking at south suburbs at the moment. That would be for the immediate. But over the long-term, I can't say. . . . My wife and I will consult about this and then she'll tell me my opinion.